
Specticular`s Feeling first day in the morning

23 jan...today is HeraLife Specticular first day .....in the morning 7am i go to sunway to join the Specticular training...
i go to sunway to take taxi with my fren (ah zuk)
so expansive >"<
the taxi fee is rm 36 >"<
we take taxi to go and back total is 70+ ady~~~~sad sad sad....
the specticular traning is 2 days than we jz the taxi fee ady rm140++....(T T)

im in there is 7:20am , im start to queue up for get ticket and wait my supervisor (wendy lean).
finally i wait for 3hour to line up for ticket(10:30am) >"<
but hv some problem to my ticket than nid to queue up to other line >"<

when i get the ticket than res a while, we go to xxx to eat some food~
we start the training is 2pm, in the trainning i see a lot of successful people and they share their exp....they exp let me so touch....and near the end of training i see The Legend of HerbaLife,
20k excutive international president team member in US Paco Perez....He is the best speaker, he say many history from Herbalife and how the Mark Huges start the herbalife business....
all of that history so touch to my heart....I LIKE IT!!!


my b`day

21/1/2010-im long time no write blog ady....
in 19/1/2010 my father gv me a phone that is w705...
that phone no bad, can search WIFI de ^^
so funny
but that phone im think is secand hand d.....
bcoz im see inside the phone hv a lot of porn movie and photo inside ==

In 21/1/2010 nite, im feel happy, im first time to get so many b`day wish from my fren....
everyyear when i b`day, no body will know...so bad (T.T)
but im didnt get the gift when im b`day >"<